Friday, July 4, 2008

Fireworks for Josh

This post is really for the benefit of my good friend, Josh. He moved to Germany last December. Germans celebrate many things, but the 4th of July is not one of them. The company I work for (IHG) is based in England and the British don't take too kindly to our "holiday" either. It reminds them of when they lost the war and who wants to celebrate that? Yes, that means I will be working today, but not until AFTER I enjoy pancakes in the park and watch a parade pass by. The official IHG line is that we are a global company where "the sun never sets," but we all know the truth. Seems some are still a little bitter about losing even though it was 200+ years ago. Talk about holding a grudge. Get over it!

So, while Josh is living a dream of being back in Germany, there are a few fundamental elements of the day he will miss. While I can't ship pancakes from the park or the excitement felt as the patriotic floats or crepe-paper decorated bicycles pass by in the parade, I can do my part to make this July 4th special for Josh. No, it isn't the same as being there, but Josh, maybe you can just sit back, relax and pretend you are in a smoke-filled field with hundreds of people (don't you just love that firework smoke smell? I sure do.) It might help create the moment if you say (out loud or to yourself) the occasional "Eww" and "Aww." Crowds don't say that as much as when I was a kid when such verbal sentiments were required to show the local municipalities their budget was well spent and appreciated.

Josh, I wish you could be here to enjoy the day with me. But since that isn't possible, I'm bringing the next best thing to you via the blog. Enjoy.