Monday, June 30, 2008

2008 Salt Lake Pride

Here are a few pictures of the recent Gay Pride festival in Salt Lake City. This year, the weather was absolutely perfect, as opposed to the past few years when it has been blazing hot.

As Pride approached, I decided to branch out and get involved with various groups within the gay community. Josh is frequently encouraging me to stretch beyond my "comfort zone" and to get out and meet people. Although not always as easy as it sounds, I made an effort this year and found myself being welcomed by many groups. This was the first year I have attended the Pride festival on both Saturday and Sunday. While it was a bit exhausting, it was very engaging and I loved every minute of it.

On Saturday, I volunteered to help register voters for the November election with Equality Utah booth. Afterwards, I moved over to man the Utah Bears' booth. The Bears are a social group that appreciates gay men who do not fit the "GQ" stereotype. I certainly do not, so volunteering at their booth seemed a natural thing to do. Here is a picture of me in the booth having a great time with my new friends. I have also included a picture of Ron, Mr. Utah Bear, from Sunday's Pride parade. At Cyber-Slut Bingo in April, Ron grabbed me and asked if I had a good time. He invited me to Bear Coffee. I appreciate his enthusiasm. Incidentally, Ron and his partner, Todd (not pictured), are going to be married in September. They both have been incredibly welcoming to me and I wish them the absolute best. Thank you, California, for doing the right thing.

Most of the bears will be going to Idaho over the 4th of July weekend for "Bear Ruckus," a fun-filled camp out where they bond and romp about. I'm unable to attend this year, but maybe next year. Besides having other commitments over the 4th weekend, I would prefer to go camping with a boyfriend. Going camping alone, even in a group is not as fun as going with someone. I'm currently accepting applications if any of you boys are interested in being more than just friends. Apply within. =)

On Sunday morning, I marched in the Pride parade with Equality Utah. This is a group who is simply trying to make a fair and equal Utah, for everyone. Currently in Utah, homosexuals can be fired or denied housing simply for being gay. No questions asked. Gays are denied the right to marry the men and women we love and can not adopt children, even though the governor sent a plea out asking for more families willing to be foster parents. Many in the Legislature feel having a child in a homeless or other harrowing circumstances would be better than placing them in the home of two loving, well adjusted men or women. Do they think we would recruit them to be gay? Our own fabulous fashion conscious little army? Or worse, to molest them? Absurd. Anyone who would harm a child should be shot. Zero tolerance for child molesters. Zero.

Living with straight parents didn't make me straight. I was born gay and would make a damn fine father. Marching with Equality Utah was an easy choice to make. Why should I be treated as less of a person simply due to the gender of the people I am attracted to and love? Why should I not be equal with straight people? When did they choose to be straight? When did I choose to be gay? We didn't. We were born that way and anyone who thinks otherwise is plain ignorant. They may not realize they even know gay people. Well, honey, gay people are probably closer than you may think. We are not all limp-wristed fairies. We are caring, genuine and passionate people, just like you. Why shouldn't we all be equal? This is why I support Equality Utah and the Human Rights Campaign (HRC). I had planned to help with HRC's booth on Sunday, but when I went to volunteer, they had more than enough volunteers, which was a wonderful thing. I did help with HRC's dinner the following week, but that will be discussed in a subsequent post.

I'm not going to discuss most of the pictures here. Really, what more could I add to the dildo ring toss or the hot QUAC guys in their speedos dancing down the street? There is a series of three pictures at the end I call, "Where's Waldo?" I took them by turning a bit then turning some more as people made their way into the festival following the parade. They give an idea of just how many people were there. Salt Lake Pride has grown significantly in the past 10 years I've been attending. I chose not to take a picture of the anti-gay protesters as this blog is not about promoting hate. Life isn't easy and we shouldn't go through it alone. We should celebrate love, regardless of who it is with (as long as they are adults, of course.) Most, but not all who come to Pride are gay. Last year, for example, I rode in the IHG float (well, truck pulling the float) with my straight friend, Marilee. We both had a wonderful time. I learned from volunteering at the Equality Utah booth that many are from out of town and some came from surrounding states. Incidentally, if you find Waldo, come on over to collect your prize. (He He He.) Enjoy. Thanks for sharing this year's Pride with me.


Joshua said...

Wow - lots and LOTS of pics. Looks like you and everyone else had a good time. =) Great post!

Steven Elmer said...

Thanks. Yes, lots of pictures, but I wanted to give a feel for what it was like for my friends around the world who could not be there celebrating with me. You are in Germany, but I also had requests for pictures from friends in the Philippines. This is now a one-stop shop for the Pride pics. I wanted to make it cool with left, then right, then left, but my computer couldn't figure that out. --Steven.