Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fireworks - Part II

Growing up, my family went to several different firework shows at various city parks, ball fields, race tracks, you name it. It was interesting to see how the displays would differ from city to city and company to company. We learned in about 10 minutes a score of years ago, for example, that paying admission into Lagoon to see their fireworks show was an expensive mistake. For the past several years, we have gone to Murray City Park, thanks to the suggestion of my sister-in-law, Shannon. Few know about our spot where we have a perfect view only short walk from the parking lot and can be back on the road only minutes after they have concluded.

This year, when we arrived at our designated spot, we were concerned because the wind and clouds were strong enough to blow our cookie ingredient cards away (more about that in my 4th of July wrap up post). Just before 10:00 PM, however, the winds calmed and we enjoyed a marvelous, lengthy fireworks show. With the 3-D glasses (see my previous post), we simply could not contain our "eww's" and "aww's." The family on the next blanket was so moved by the awesome display (without 3-D effect) that they joined our chorus of appreciation. I filmed a bit of the show with the 3-D glasses and then the finale without. Again, the fireworks are primarily for Josh's benefit who didn't get to see a real show this year. Honestly though, who can't appreciate a good fireworks show regardless of what their name is? Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

thats the finale!???! im sorry. You should come to the Clearfield fireworks next year.

Steven Elmer said...

Enough of your "holding Mamma's hand" Clearfield pride. Murray has a kick-ass fireworks show that you should see. Do yourself a favor, branch out and see what the world outside of Davis County has to offer. This is not the full finale, but what I have included is pretty darn good. Go Murray. Thanks for stopping by. =)