Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cyber-Sluts, Gay Bingo and Mom

The Utah Cyber-Sluts are a group of gay men who put on dresses and outrageous wigs to raise money for charity. The "sluts" host a gay bingo every second Friday of the month. Half of the proceeds go to the Utah Pride Center, whose many programs and activities benefit the local LGBT community. The other half of the raised funds go to a charity in the community at large, such as the Lupus Foundation of Utah, the pediatric AIDS unit of Shriner's hospital and most recently, "Hope House" where families who need to relocate to the Salt Lake valley for medical reasons can live. The gentleman currently operating the house originally benefited from the house when he relocated for a heart transplant. Currently, seven families share Hope House.
Putting on a dress has never been in my interest. I'm really not into cross-dressing, but had to reconsider when I saw how the wild antics of the "sluts" were able to raise tons of money to help the community. In April, they raised over $1,100 at bingo and most recently, over $1,400. Hamming it up in a dress for charity has such a draw, that I enthusiastically auditioned and was accepted as a Utah Cyber-Slut. Pictures of me as Miss Shirley D. Licious will follow in a future blog entry.

To say my family, especially my mom, has been hesitant about my dressing up as a woman, even for charity, would be a massive understatement. Mom was so relieved when I couldn't get the costume together for the recent Utah Pride celebration. Mom is worried all her neighbors will see me on the news and know she is a bad mother. Well folks, this is the internet. For all mom's neighbors and extended family who may read this, please know my mom is a wonderful mom. Instead of cowering in shame at the prospect of them finding out about her gay son, I suggested she come to the bingo to see what it is I'm getting involved with. Who knows, maybe some day she will be proud of her gay son and all the charitable work he has done both inside and outside a dress.

When mom agreed to go with my to gay bingo, I was actually quite surprised. I've been out to my family 9 1/2 years and that was the first event my mom ever agreed to attend. Mom plays bingo when she can (company parties, and such). Although she rarely wins, mom loves the nervous energy and drama the game provides and I figured that if she would agree to any gay event, it would be the bingo, especially since it is not about being gay, but rather about having fun and raising money for charity. Mom was quite reluctant at first, but ended up having a wonderful time. She even posed with one of the Cyber-Sluts. Mom came SO close to winning a few times, but in the end, the prizes went to others.

More importantly than having a good time losing at bingo was when my mom leaned over and said she could absolutely see me dressed up as a Cyber-Slut hamming it up for the charity. For 30+ years, I have heard nothing but negative when she has seen a man in woman's clothes. Gay bingo broke down a huge barrier for her towards understanding me and gays in general. As I drove her home, she was so positive about the evening and how excited she was that I was finally fitting in. Mom saw that gays are not freaks, but rather good-hearted people who want to have a great time; the same as everyone else. It will not be a struggle to get her back. Marching with PFLAG in the Pride parade may be a few years off, but she said she would be very proud to see me in a dress raising money for charity. That nearly made me cry. It would have except I'm emotionally dead inside. That, however, is a story for another time.


Joshua said...

What a wonderful story and experience for both you and your mom. =)

Can't wait for the pics of Ms. S.D.