Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Do unto others...

MSNBC's Keith Olbermann delivers an emotional Special Comment on the outcome of California's voting of Prop 8 which eliminated the right of same-sex couples to marry.


Joshua said...

Steven, this was great. Thank you for sharing. I share his sentiment and thoughts 100%.

Anonymous said...

Steven.... I'm SOOOOO GLAD that you put this on your blog!! I was amazed to how a "straight man" could become so upset over this issue... HELLO, he's a HUMAN with a HEART!!! I totally support his comment and thoughts!!!!

Be PROUD of who you are Steven, regardless of what anyone says or tries to make you feel!!

There is nothing wrong with WHO you LOVE, and those that make it a BIGGER issue than it needs to be, needs to step back and look at their own lifes.... Maybe they're the ones that aren't happy and are trying to point fingers at YOU... or any other man or woman that chooses to love the same sex!!

Steven, you'll ALWAYS be a friend of PAUL and I ~ regardless of who you love!! We want you to be able to ENJOY the same things in life that so many do... A COMPANION!!!

Don't give in Steve, be proud!!!!
