Thursday, October 16, 2008

Please help put an end to discrimination.

Some joke that homosexuals have the right to get divorced just like everyone else. Some say gay marriage will never work because homosexuals are all over-sexed slutty whores who can't commit to one person. Or that they really don't want it in the first place. Others contend allowing gay marriage would be an end to society as we know it because the traditional family would be destroyed. To all of these comments, I say, "NONSENSE."

Yes, some gays are promiscuous, but we do not have a corner on the market. Straight infidelity is so common that many popular motion pictures have been made about the subject. Unfaithful with Diane Lane and Richard Gere for one and Fatal Attraction with Michael Douglas and Glenn Close for another.

My point is that much of the argument against marriage equality is based on false stereotypes and fear. Gays have "earned" the reputation for sleeping around because there hasn't been a marriage option for them. By not allowing gay marriage, society is telling gays it is not only ok to have shallow relationships, but expects them to sleep around since commitment is for straights.

I have personally met many gay couples who have fought against these societal expectations and have been together, loving each other for years. Good friends of mine, Ron and Todd, for example, recently traveled to California (a trip that shouldn't have been necessary) to get married. They have been together for 14 years. They are just as happy as any newlyweds I've met. Since being allowed by the California Supreme Court, thousands of gay couples have flocked to get married there. If allowed to continue as married couples (meaning if Prop 8 is defeated), will some of them eventually get divorced? Probably. But then again, divorce among the straight community is just about 50%. The gay couples I've met (and the homosexuals who have yet to meet that someone special) yearn for equality. They yearn for a time when they are not treated differently just because of who they are attracted to and love.

If gays were allowed to marry, would the traditional definition of family be destroyed? No. It would be expanded to understand that there are differences in our society. In the recent past, it was thought that women needed to stay home and clean all day while the men went off to work. After a long, hard-fought struggle, women are now respected in the workplace as being just as capable as their male counterparts. As a society, we have found that women are no different from men in making business decisions and running companies. The traditional family definition of the 1950's has certainly changed, but families still move forward. Should we ever go back to the June Cleaver and Lucy Ricardo world? No. The family dynamic has changed, but for the better. The same can be said for gays who want to marry and start a family through adoption or other means. Family means people who love and support each other where their financial and other resources are pooled for the betterment of each other. This can apply to gays and straights alike. Every child should have a loving home to grow up in and it really shouldn't matter if that home has a mom and a dad or two dads or two moms. Love is the important key.

Please stop discrimination. If you are in California, please vote NO on prop 8. If you are outside of California, please do what you can to stomp out discrimination of all types. Thank you.