Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Birds...

Did you ever see that scary Alfred Hitchcock movie, "The Birds" where a town is suddenly host to an aviary convention? The birds in that film lined the fences, the electric wires, even the school's playground jungle gym, but more importantly wanted a bit more than to poop on people's freshly washed cars. The image of a lady running and screaming down the street being harassed and ultimately overtaken by a large raven (I always thought it was a crow)haunted my childhood. Every so often when out enjoying nature, large birds will still make me duck my head and shiver in fright fearing it will come peck my brains out like that unfortunate woman. Alfred Hitchcock sure did know how to make fictional movies that scared me. Or maybe it wasn't based on fiction at all?

Yesterday, I was huddling inside my cozy house thinking I should probably start cleaning or doing something clever when I looked outside and gasped in horror. Take a look for yourself...

The birds also lined the fences that boarder the backyards of the houses on my street, but those pictures didn't turn out. Yes, Josh, they were blurry. =( In fact, most of my pictures don't turn out. I think it must be the camera. =)

These birds were not large, but their vast numbers were a bit intimidating. It was bitter cold outside and I kept hoping they were just stopping by for a rest on their way to St. George. I guess not. Many of the birds are still there today. Did they see how plump and delicious I would be when I walked my garbage to the dumpster way down the street? Maybe they are stalking my every move and will be reporting back to the really big birds who missed their chance to peck my brains out the last time we met. Don't know for sure, but images of those "When animals attack" television shows kept flashing through my mind.

I lived if any of you wondered. Today, that is. =)


Joshua said...

wow - that is a LOT of birds! RUN!