Sunday, February 21, 2010

The Truth About Celebrity - Part II

In part I of this Tiger-Beat, Bob Schieffer had some humbling words of advice for our good friend and recently self-described sex addict, Tiger Woods. This week, Tiger staged a public apology where he presented carefully scripted remorse for having cheated on his wife and apparently broken the trust of his fans. For those who have the stomach or are bored enough to watch, please follow this link:

My thought is that a staged public apology (without questions from the press) is not necessary. Tiger had affairs and cheated on his wife, violating the vows he made with his wife. Tiger did not cheat on me or any of his other fans. I do not need an apology; nor should you, unless you are his wife or children. To be honest, before this "scandal" broke a few months ago, the fact that Tiger even had a penis or sexual needs hadn't come across my mind. Shut up. I didn't. To me, he was an awesome golf player. Tiger made me want to watch golf without scrambling for the remote. The time frame required for him to have sex with so many women meant his golf game was obviously not affected by his behavior. So he had sex. Lots of people do. So what if he is a horny little bastard. How many men are guilty of this? I am. You probably are. The difference is that I can't get a date. I'd like to believe that if I could find a special someone, that I'd respect the hell out of them enough to never cheat, but I'm a sucker for anyone who pays attention to me. This is true especially if they have a bulge in their pants (meaning no dumb girls) and a cute smile.

In my opinion, Tiger owes his wife and his children an apology. He hurt them and needs to work on those relationships. The rest of us should just get on with our lives and leave them alone. Can he still play golf? Sure. When he returns to the game, we know two things will be true: 1) his colleagues and sponsors will be happy again, and 2) we will all be thinking about his sexual antics. We can't help it. If you doubt, see my comment above about being horny bastards. I think we all are. With that being the case, Tiger doesn't need to announce he is going back to sex therapy as mentioned in the press conference. Now he is just feeling sorry for himself. Does knowing Tiger has a penis or that he likes to use it affect my admiration for his awesome skills and natural ability? No. If anything, it makes him a little more real. I won't even say these affairs make him more interesting. You want interesting? Change the story to "Tiger has sex with 15 of his golf buddies" and I'm there.