Monday, September 15, 2008

An Unusual Predicament

On the way home from the fish hatchery, we stopped for ice cream in Kamas. We usually stop at Dave's, a quaint little hamburger/ice cream stand that has awesome signs posted like, "This is NOT Burger King and NO, you can't have it your way." and "Everything is hand made to order, so if you want fast food, don't even order." AWESOME!!! Except that there were easily 100 people ahead of us in line, so we didn't stop there.

Instead, we went around the corner to the city drug store where they feature an old fashioned diner with stools and everything. The only other time I've been there was on the way home from scout camp when I was 12. I was riding home in the front of my Scoutmaster's truck squished between him and two other guys (seat belt laws were not quite what they are today). Jay wanted ice cream and since he was driving, we were forced to get two scoops, each being approximately the size of my head). SO GOOD. Until we were about 12 minutes outside of Kamas when I completely zonked out and ice cream melted all over everyone. Awe, good times.

This time, while waiting for our order (again, not known for their fast food), my dad eyed a very large (and yes, ugly) picture frame at the street yard sale we parked next to. To our horror, he bought the thing and thought it would be fun to pack it home in our already filled SUV. Michelle had just purchased the vehicle and didn't want the picture strapped to the top, so we tryied every which way to accomodate our new passenger. Dad didn't care about the picture, but needed the frame for some project (that I really hope doesn't involve my house). In the end, it just wouldn't work and the picture and ugly frame were both left in Kamas. Dad, who is never discouraged from finding room at home for another piece of junk offered to drive up the following Monday in his truck to collect the painting. Once my dad sets his mind to something, you might as well not even try stopping him (which includes becoming the self-proclaimed most loyal Wheel of Fortune and Price is Right home audience member of all time). We should have just kept on-a-going instead of stopping for ice cream (can you believe I just typed that?) since we went to the IHOP store for pancakes on our way home. We were all full from the ice cream (did I mention each scoop is about as big as my head?), but it was all part of Rebecca's birthday trip to the hotel (see previous posts) and she wanted IHOP. Now that she is five, she has already started planning her next birthday adventure. This year, she ended up with our celebrating her birthday throughout August (due to schedules and what not). I taught her well. =)


Meg&CC said...

I laughed so hard (again) when I saw the pictures. I love how you can see Rebecca's little face under the picture and remember her saying "I'm fine, lets go". Thanks for the trip down memory lane!