Thursday, August 14, 2008

Michael Phelps is Awesome!!!

The Olympics give us all a sense of national pride (I'm guessing twice over for Joshua). It also shows us what is physically possible, which some of us need to be reminded of. From Salt Lake, the NBC coverage has a bias to show American athletes compete and that is fine. I like that, but also enjoy seeing what the rest of the world has to offer. This year, I had hoped to see Germans compete so I could wave my flag and imagine I was vicariously sharing a moment with Josh and the Kleinhans family (assuming their television screens are filled with Germans the way my screen is filled with American athletes). This is similar to when I lived in Michigan (2 hours earlier than Salt Lake). My family and I would coordinate to see an exciting movie at the same time (9:00 PM showing for me, 7:00 for them). Afterwards, we could call and compare notes. This worked great for Jurassic Park III, but did not work for Dante's Peak, but that's another story.

This year, if the screen isn't filled with Americans, it is highlighting the Chinese athletes (who are incredible in nearly every regard). Last week after helping host Gay Bingo as Miss Shirley D. Licious (I was stunningly beautiful for an ugly woman), I went home to shower and was just in time to see the German team march during the opening ceremonies. Besides that short moment of anticipated German glory, last night was the first glimpse I'd had of a German. I don't remember his name, but very attractive. =) He was competing in the men's gymnastics individual all around and had apparently been the world's champion of the high bar. He was very good, but not great. The comments made by the irritating announcers were that he would hate himself for doing such a poor performance when it mattered so much. He did not medal and was trying not to show how upset he was, but we all knew it. Maybe 2012 in London will be his turn to shine.

So, putting that one German memory aside, the Olympics have largely been Americans and Chinese athletes. The Chinese are super polished in every sport, it would seem. Did you catch the women's sculling team? Sculling is the really long boat that four people row in unison down a really long lake. The Chinese women were well over a boat length ahead of the other teams. During that race, the announcers said the German and English women will cry because they like to win sculling.

Shall we talk Michael Phelps for a moment? This morning past Olympic gold medal winners for swimming were commenting on the Today show that Michael Phelps was by far the greatest Olympic athlete of all time. Since posting this a few days ago, Michael Phelps has accomplished his goal of winning gold eight times. He is a hero of mine. I admire his strength and dedication to a dream. He represents what we can all accomplish if we set our minds to it and never let go. It has been said that Michael Phelps has the perfect swimmer's body with extra long arms and slim build that cuts through the water. It is also about his desire to taste sweet victory more than everyone else. About not being satisfied with sitting on the couch playing Wii or XBox. Physical attributes helped him win, but without also having the mindset of a champion, he would have probably ended up fat and lazy playing Wii or or Xbox. Michael saw there was more to life than obtaining a high score. He saw that it is also about becoming better, faster and stronger and paying the sacrifices winning required. Quitting was not an option, even when he was tired or the road became hard. He stood up and accepted the challenge and is now realizing the benefits of such dedication. He is a true champion and should serve as an inspiration to all of us. Wheaties is probably already printing boxes with his image. I'll be buying my box, for sure. Now, we call can't be Michael Phelps, but we can add that determination and desire to excel into our lives. Swimming is Michael's thing. He has given me a renewed passion for writing something interesting enough to get published. What is your thing? I can't wait to find out.

There are many ways to describe Michael Phelps and his contributions to sport and the Olympics and national pride and weight loss motivation, etc., but I choose to simply say that Michael Phelps is Awesome!!!