Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A word about the brave ones (friends, I mean)

A word about friends. I don't have many. Some web sites show people with hundreds of friends. While I have profiles on many sites, my friend list is rarely in the double digits. Quality is much more important than quantity. Some say that is simply a lame excuse to justify feeling good about being an unpopular loser. Possibly. But those friends who have invested time enough to look past the exterior fat (yes, I know I'm overweight) and crass candor, discover there is a wonderful person inside. At least I tell myself they do. Being a friend of mine is not ever easy. Some can't handle the wild ride of my insecurities and frequently changing moods. I am largely misunderstood, even by those who claim to speak "Steven," but that is really why I am starting a blog. I want to document for them and everyone a little bit about what I really mean as I know the perception is frequently quite different. I have wonderful friends. Most can't stand to live within 500 miles of me and some flat-out die to get away, but that is another story. Thank you to all who have weathered the storm of my sometimes offensive tone. I would never intentionally hurt anyone, let alone someone who has taken a chance on being a friend.

I know that is not really flattering, but I am genuine, fiercely loyal and try to help whenever possible. If you are not frightened away as I am by clowns and others hiding behind a costume or other false appearance, drop me a line. I'm always looking for more friends and hope some day to find someone willing to take a friendship further.