Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Who is Steven B. Elmer?

Just who is Steven B. Elmer? Sometimes I wonder myself. Yes, I love Lucy. Doesn't everyone? Usually people in costume freak me out, especially being attacked by a Hershey chocolate bar a few years ago followed by the blatant mockery of a rather large frog from Florida. Clowns are very frightening to me. Granted, I love being squished in a car with a bunch of guys just like everyone else, but something about hiding their true feelings behind paint and a wig scares me. Mickey was the only thing I once wanted to see in Disneyland, but now a visit to the park would be an exercise in avoidance. I much prefer people to just be themselves. Honest, open communication is key to any successful relationship. Sometimes my candid phrasing gets me in trouble, but I really don't mean any harm. Most do not understand my sense of humor--to the point that some never know if I'm trying to be funny or serious. Some find this uncomfortable and feel it safer to not invest themselves enough to even become friends. I try to be warm, genuine and loyal. I enjoy my job most of the time, though I get frustrated sometimes when my hard work is not taken seriously and my dedication is questioned. I'm a very open person. If you have any questions or comments, please ask. You may not like the answer, but I believe it is better for you to not like the real me than to love someone you think I am, only to later be disappointed.

Politically, I strongly support Obama and urge you to as well.

Religiously, I was raised to be the best little Mormon boy in town, but that fell apart when I couldn't ignore the fact that I'm "gayer than a goose" (misquoting from Queer Duck). Sorry, girls, I'm gay. I love my female friends, though. They are unwaivering in their support, probably because they know I won't try to sleep with them. I'm "safe" in their eyes. Little do they realize, I would love to be a father and help raise a child. My support for marriage equality and gay adoption are passionate. Every child needs a loving home. Being gay doesn't mean I'm incapable in that regard. Of course, I would prefer to get a date first. One step at a time. If you are interested in going out, even if only as friends to a movie and cheese balls at Friday's (I LOVE Friday's cheese balls), let me know. I'm not as scary as even this post may make me sound.


Joshua said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I must say I was a bit surprised to read your "about me" post and not see a single mention of your fear of snakes... Are you a snake fan now?

Steven Elmer said...

A fan of snakes? No. Hell, no. As I'm sure you are aware, it is difficult, if not impossible to summarize one's life or personality in a few words. It would have been fine by me to never have snakes mentioned on my blog. Being reminded of them will certainly help me sleep tonight. Thanks. Lol. --Steven.