Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Day on the Train

On a lark, I called my niece, Rebecca and asked if she wanted to do something fun today. Of course she did. A few weeks back, I asked if she wanted to ride on the new Frontrunner train. She had been so excited that day that doing the prerequisite chores her mother imposed was not enough to dampen her spirits. That day did not work out, however, as 4,000 other people decided to take the same train and someone's mother didn't want to bother fighting the crowd. So, today was a make-up day and practice as Rebecca's birthday is coming soon and one of the many things she wants to do is ride the train. Today's trip was deemed a practice run so we could be train riding experts by the time her birthday trip came around. Rebecca is nearly five and her ringlet-filled hair and sassy smile made her just as cute as ever.

We met at the train station with her grandma and grandpa. Rebecca's mom was to meet us two stops away for breakfast at Doug and Emmy's (incredible scones that you simply must try if you haven't). After breakfast, most were getting into cars for the drive back to grandma's house. Rebecca and I, however, waved good-bye and set out for the train station.

While traveling back to the stop by grandma's house, we called our good friend, Josh, who recently moved to Germany. Rebecca misses Josh and frequently asks when he will come home. When the answer isn't what she wants to hear, she asks if we can call and at least leave a message. Unfortunately, due to the eight hour time difference, Josh is usually in bed or working. Today the timing worked out and they were able to catch up on old times before the train lumbered into the station. This meant a lot to Rebecca, who couldn't wait to tell her mom and grandma she had called Germany and spoke with her good friend, Josh.

Someone a few seats away was explaining that these new Frontrunner trains are an exact replica of those used in Germany. He seemed so proud to have known about European trains and so eager to share this knowledge with anyone who would listen. I knew about the similarities between these trains and those I rode in Germany a few months ago and desperately wanted to chime in with a little confirmed European knowledge of my own. I didn't, however. I let him have his moment. My moment was with Rebecca sharing a lovely afternoon riding the rails.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Visitor Map

Visitor Map
Create your own visitor map!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A word about the brave ones (friends, I mean)

A word about friends. I don't have many. Some web sites show people with hundreds of friends. While I have profiles on many sites, my friend list is rarely in the double digits. Quality is much more important than quantity. Some say that is simply a lame excuse to justify feeling good about being an unpopular loser. Possibly. But those friends who have invested time enough to look past the exterior fat (yes, I know I'm overweight) and crass candor, discover there is a wonderful person inside. At least I tell myself they do. Being a friend of mine is not ever easy. Some can't handle the wild ride of my insecurities and frequently changing moods. I am largely misunderstood, even by those who claim to speak "Steven," but that is really why I am starting a blog. I want to document for them and everyone a little bit about what I really mean as I know the perception is frequently quite different. I have wonderful friends. Most can't stand to live within 500 miles of me and some flat-out die to get away, but that is another story. Thank you to all who have weathered the storm of my sometimes offensive tone. I would never intentionally hurt anyone, let alone someone who has taken a chance on being a friend.

I know that is not really flattering, but I am genuine, fiercely loyal and try to help whenever possible. If you are not frightened away as I am by clowns and others hiding behind a costume or other false appearance, drop me a line. I'm always looking for more friends and hope some day to find someone willing to take a friendship further.

Who is Steven B. Elmer?

Just who is Steven B. Elmer? Sometimes I wonder myself. Yes, I love Lucy. Doesn't everyone? Usually people in costume freak me out, especially being attacked by a Hershey chocolate bar a few years ago followed by the blatant mockery of a rather large frog from Florida. Clowns are very frightening to me. Granted, I love being squished in a car with a bunch of guys just like everyone else, but something about hiding their true feelings behind paint and a wig scares me. Mickey was the only thing I once wanted to see in Disneyland, but now a visit to the park would be an exercise in avoidance. I much prefer people to just be themselves. Honest, open communication is key to any successful relationship. Sometimes my candid phrasing gets me in trouble, but I really don't mean any harm. Most do not understand my sense of humor--to the point that some never know if I'm trying to be funny or serious. Some find this uncomfortable and feel it safer to not invest themselves enough to even become friends. I try to be warm, genuine and loyal. I enjoy my job most of the time, though I get frustrated sometimes when my hard work is not taken seriously and my dedication is questioned. I'm a very open person. If you have any questions or comments, please ask. You may not like the answer, but I believe it is better for you to not like the real me than to love someone you think I am, only to later be disappointed.

Politically, I strongly support Obama and urge you to as well.

Religiously, I was raised to be the best little Mormon boy in town, but that fell apart when I couldn't ignore the fact that I'm "gayer than a goose" (misquoting from Queer Duck). Sorry, girls, I'm gay. I love my female friends, though. They are unwaivering in their support, probably because they know I won't try to sleep with them. I'm "safe" in their eyes. Little do they realize, I would love to be a father and help raise a child. My support for marriage equality and gay adoption are passionate. Every child needs a loving home. Being gay doesn't mean I'm incapable in that regard. Of course, I would prefer to get a date first. One step at a time. If you are interested in going out, even if only as friends to a movie and cheese balls at Friday's (I LOVE Friday's cheese balls), let me know. I'm not as scary as even this post may make me sound.