l-r Katherine Heartburn, Lucky Charms, Shaneeda Derriere, Madame Fonda Dixx, Chevy Suburban and yes, Miss Shirley D. Licious. The two in front are not sluts, if anyone wondered. They are representatives of the Utah Lupus Foundation, the charity for March's Gay Bingo. This month's theme: Mardi Gras.
For those who need a reminder, the Utah Cyber-Sluts are a bunch of guys who dress up in campy drag to raise money for charity. Half of the money raised goes to support the Utah Pride Center and the other half for a designated charity. March's charity was the Lupus Foundation, a cause that has personally touched my family. Pictured above with the sluts is the Lupus Foundation representatives. We raised a record $3,000 in one night. Any way you split it, that is a lot of cash. When compounded by the dire economic times the world is currently facing, the feat becomes astounding.

In the past year I have been attending (before becoming a slut) and participating (as a slut), thousands and thousands of dollars have been raised for charities like AIDS research, the Lupus Foundation of Utah, No-more Homeless Pets and the Children's Box House. Some of my friends and family have been critical of this venture because they say it is just wrong for men to dress up in women's clothes regardless of the good that may come of it. Although my family members may personally benefit from the money raised last Friday night, it was very disheartening to hear they would never consider attending. Well, to hell with them. Being a Cyber-Slut is something that I'm very proud of.
It is not easy (the above mentioned flip-flops are easily four sizes too small and hurt, not to mention the looks on people's faces as I ask for help in picking out a bra or in finding just the right shade of lipstick), but when it comes down to it, I'm willing to put all of my personal inhibitions aside, grab my girdle by the bootstraps (has there ever been anything less comfortable, except maybe a corset?) and become Shirley D. Licious on the 2nd Friday of each month. Here, I am showin' a little leg and asking, "Who's yo' mamma?"

Part of the success of Shirley D. Licious has been the support of my friends. Lynda and Paul have been encouraging me from nearly day one. Their word of mouth now requires them to reserve at least one full table (think ward dinner size) and sometimes two. They are both amazing. Lynda takes charge of my camera during bingo and has taken most of these shots. Thanks, Lynda and Paul. You guys are incredible.

This was Marilee's first time to bingo. She fit right in and had a blast. Here she is posing with Miss Chevy Suburban, one of the most experienced sluts around. Before the night was over, she and the others were planning their costume for next month's pajama party themed bingo.

In the short video clip, (yes a bit boring in the middle) is someone in the stage audience (did I mention record attendance of just under 300 people?) getting a party foul. Not only do they get to wear the wig of shame and later dance through the audience for money, they were "boo'd" off the stage. Our stage audience was so enthusiastic. Although last month included our first nudity (Michael slipped his boxers off as I rushed through the curtain), this was the first time I've seen boy-boy kissing. There was no question a good many of the stage audience boys were going to get laid later, but that is a different story.
Bottom line: I'm very proud of my work as Shirley D. Licious. If you don't accept that I'm gay or that I dress in women's clothes to raise money for charity, then to hell with you. But, if you like to have fun and it becoming a little naughty (no, not raunchy) while doing it, then please come to next month's bingo: April 10th 7:00 PM at the Columbus Community Center in South Salt Lake (400 East and 25th South). We'd love to see you there. I suggest coming early.