Saturday, August 22, 2009

A trip to the Fair...

Oh about 30 years ago (yes, hard to believe, but I am that old), I last went to the David County Fair. I had entered a latch hook yarn picture and won a ribbon. When I picked up my picture, I was absolutely thrilled to learn they paid cash money for ribbon winners. Who knew? It wasn't much. Probably not even enough to pay for the latch hook kit (which my mom paid for anyway), but still it was like winning the lottery to me. Back then, the fair was at Lagoon (think Six Flags amusement park, but smaller and less interesting). It has since moved and grown (haven't we all?).

This year, my dad painted a few pictures and had submitted them. Both pictures won ribbons. I knew he had been taking art classes, but didn't realize anything had materialized from them. While growing up, he painted a bit, but hadn't ever submitted to a fair for judging purposes. I was impressed with the pictures. Far better than my latch hook. I've included them here, so take a look.
While at the fair, my mom wanted to see the alligator show. Have you been to one? While I'll admit to enjoying it more than I thought I would, to get a good seat, we sat in the sun (without Kool-Aid refreshment, I might add) for a very long time; the last 15 minutes of which being blasted by country music. Apparently, they wanted people in the next county to feel bad for missing the show. I still hear "My achy-breaky heart" at the most inappropriate moments. Who sings such nonsense? And who likes it enough to validate blowing my eardrums out. It has been a week and I've washed, but think I haven't quite managed to get the "redneck" off.
I took a few videos with my camera. If you listen with the volume at 100%, realizing my camera microphone sucks, you may get a hint for what meant about the sound system. There it is again, "achy breaky heart..." Damn. I suggest adjusting the sound to about 25%.

After the alligator show, we watched Rebecca ride a horse. I wanted a ride as well, but the horse just looked at me and said, "Pleeeese noooo" with his shanking head and fearful "Nay." Check out Rebecca's cool new glasses and haircut. She turns 6 next Wednesday. Boy, how time flies. In the video, (again, I suggest 25% sound) I get Rebecca to waive. While this may not seem like a bad idea and I wasn't trying to cause a problem, other children had been scolded sternly by the horse handlers for not holding tight with both hands. I consider rules that don't suit my particular artistic interests to be more of a suggestion. They didn't want to be sued if a child should fall off. For the record, I'm not encouraging rampant rule-breaking or promoting the endangerment of children.

And finally, we went to the petting zoo portion of the fair. Yes, it smelled something fierce and awful all rolled together. I'll include pictures of Rebecca milking a cow and my mom touching the horn of a very large long-horn bull. I touched it as well, but my camera batteries didn't last that long.
I did get to touch a cow. (Remember the camera adds about 85 pounds) This may satisfy my cow touching quota usually filled at the Utah State Fair (which opens in about three weeks).
I also touched this big fella, but I don't have photographic evidence. Yes, since you probably wondered, I did caress the hump, but not in a sick or twisted way. Everyone was doing it. =)